Steady, Consistent Leadership for Northville Public Schools: The Only Declared Candidate for 2024 with Board Experience

Steady, Consistent Leadership for Northville Public Schools: The Only Declared Candidate for 2024 with Board Experience

Vote on or before November 5th, 2024
lisa mcintyre for northville school board 2024
A Little About Me

Who is Lisa McIntyre?

I am Lisa McIntyre and I am proud to serve our community on the Board of Education for Northville Schools. As the only candidate with Board experience, I welcome the opportunity to continue my proven effective leadership.

A School Board Trustee elected in 2020, I have:

  • Helped our community navigate changes in administrative leadership,
  • Focused on wellness initiatives for staff and students,
  • Taken action regarding safety and security, and
  • Continued to maintain strong fiscal discipline to lead a destination district that is responsive to changing needs in community public schools.
  • BA – Kalamazoo College in Psychology – culminating in an individual research project with at risk youth in Kalamazoo and Chicago.
  • MS – University of Saint Francis in Mental Health Counseling – Focus on employee mental health through an Employee Assistance Program, and providing direct clinical services serving children and families, addressing physical and mental health issues.
  • Clinical therapist in diverse metropolitan communities including Chicago and Phoenix, providing comprehensive mental health care for youth, adults and groups, while mobilizing resources to provide for long-term personal and academic success, after evaluating barriers and challenges at various stages of need.
  • Community leader through PTA at Ridge Wood Elementary in Northville, gymnastics program in Michigan, faith-based programs in Arizona, successfully expanding a sense of community in each of these settings, while collaborating with others to achieve successful program outcomes.
  • Mobilize resources to accomplish difficult tasks such as continuing in challenging athletic endeavors and welcoming new families to competitive gymnastics through our annual large scale event that connects families across the region starting a new competitive season.

During my tenure on the Northville Board of Education, I served as Treasurer, Vice President, and on several subcommittees, gaining a deep understanding of the district’s challenges. I also facilitated significant investments in our schools as a member of the Bond Study Committee and Say Yes to NPS committee. My leadership in Northville Cares for Youth has strengthened support networks for families. Additionally, I helped bring on two more school resource officers, enhancing our partnership with the City and Township.

As a mom to 3 children who are growing up through Northville Public Schools, I am deeply connected to families and staff within the community.  My ability to develop relationships with different stakeholders across our larger community has proven to help people find safe spaces to tackle serious challenges and expand their engagement with the community and world around them.

Thirty years experience focused on children and families with expertise in evaluating layers of strengths and challenges to develop creative solutions for complex problems while collaborating across large systems to effect positive outcomes for students, families and staff. As a practitioner and clinical leader in the Northville community, I bring an understanding of the various challenges the kids and families experience to the board table.

Key Issues

Beacons of Educational Excellence

  • Top Schools for Achieving Potential
  • Ensure Financial Stability

  • Health & Wellness

  • Prioritize School Safety

  • Celebrate and Communicate

family photo, lisa mcintyre for northville school board

Be in the know about campaign happenings, coffee meet ups, backyard events and other ways to learn about the issues facing Northville Public Schools this year.

Re-Elect Lisa McIntyre

for Northville School Board

This is a non-partisan position, so flip your ballot over, look all the way to the bottom and vote Lisa McIntyre for Northville School Board. Vote on or Before November 5, 2024.

Notable Accomplishments since 2021

Why I’ve Earned Your Vote

As the only candidate who is an experienced School Board Trustee in Northville, I am competent at guiding our community and will continue to shape our school system to be sustainable for the future. With the resources we have in our community, we can collaborate to address emerging needs of our students, families, and staff.

I have led ongoing curriculum advancements to meet students’ needs, holding Northville Public Schools to the most competitive academic standards in our state and country. I will also continue to focus on these priorities:

As part of the Finance Subcommittee, I will continue to lead solid fiscal management once COVID stabilization funding has passed (in 2025) and will focus on maintaining strong enrollment numbers while public school enrollment nationwide trends downward. I will also continue to advocate for adequate school funding for Northville, a non-hold harmless district under Proposal A, that results in receiving only the minimum foundation allowance from the state of Michigan.

As a top district in the state of Michigan and the midwest region, Northville Schools provides an incredible return on investment by public funding. I will maintain the expectations of how NPS provides a depth and breadth of opportunities for each student in the district. As we think about the future of work, we will continue to adapt programming with newly developed tools that allow each learner to reach their highest potential.

I will facilitate our continued growth as a district as a source of empowerment for teachers, staff, students and families to attain their highest educational and personal goals, at the same time continuing the highest standards of academic excellence across all age groups. We will continue to invest in a rich extracurricular setting for a vibrant arts community, innovative STEAM and technology programs, and strong athletic teams.

Continued relational practices to build bridges across our small community in Michigan. One of my greatest strengths is welcoming people into new communities and helping them mobilize the resources they need to move forward successfully.

Maintain strong community partnerships with Northville Township, City of Northville and other community stakeholders.

I will continue our focus on our collective health as a community public school as we attend to a variety of needs in our high-achieving community, including reducing barriers for access to care.

I will continue our focus on community safety, keeping physical safety top of mind for all members of our community. I will prioritize all the avenues to mitigate risk to our school buildings and the people inside.

Continued relational practices developing strength to build bridges across our small community in Michigan. One of my greatest strengths is welcoming people into new communities and helping them mobilize the resources they need to move forward successfully. Maintain strong community partnerships with Northville Township, City of Northville and other community stakeholders.

  • Successful leadership/involvement in Bond 2022 from the Study Committee to the Vote YES NPS Team

  • Major overhaul of older buildings in the district to create equity across all buildings through Bond 2022

  • Financial commitment to focus on collaboration and innovative spaces to allow for expanded STEAM offerings
  • Addressing public school enrollment trends: Starting Kinderstangs – Young 5’s

  • Improved communication and community pride through social media, podcast, and other avenues of celebration of the amazing happenings in NPS
  • Co-led process of hiring new Superintendent in 2022 and engaged in successful transition to a new Administration

  • Increased visibility of Central Office Leadership within Northville Public Schools and within the community

  • STEAM Programming at elementary to build up programming at middle school and high school
  • Addressed long-standing issues expressed by students, parents and staff related to World Language programming at the elementary and middle school levels

  • Enhanced social emotional learning opportunities: Implemented Relational Practices district wide; added Therapy dogs in each building

  • Focused on a more inclusive and culturally responsive academic environment for each and every student
  • Health and Wellness initiatives for staff: Pryde Athletix, Accessible, visible Employee Assistance Program, Weight Watchers program

  • Expanded number of counselors at Northville High School to improve access to support for students

  • Led initiative for Away for the Day policy for personal wireless devices for K-8 students

  • Focused on critical safety/security – provided access fobs for all first responders; hired two additional School Resource Officers (Township & City)

  • Ongoing review of safety and security measures, seeking grant funding and other cost-effective approaches to highest level of security for Northville Public Schools

Community Endorsements

As a former member of the Board of Education for Northville Public Schools, I am asking for your support to re-elect Lisa McIntyre.  Lisa in the only incumbent running for re-election.  Through her leadership, the district has continued to ensure academic excellence and to be recognized by the State of Michigan among the highest SAT scores of a public school district, along with a 98% graduation rate.  With her tenure as treasurer, her oversight has provided a fund balance of 29%, the highest among peer districts, which allows our district to secure the best of the best in hiring and retaining current teachers with competitive salaries and benefits, as well as working tirelessly for the district’s distinguished AA bond rating.  Lisa is an advocate of supporting teachers in the classroom to continue the projectory of our MSTEP scores:  No. 1 in the state for MSTEP in grades 3-8 in English/ELA; No. 3 in the state for MSTEP Math grades 3-8 and No. 4 in the MSTEP scores for science. 

Lisa is a clinical therapist with proven experience as a mental health professional and will continue to lead with compassion and advocacy for all learner levels in our district. 

I am voting for Lisa McIntyre, and I hope that you will join me.

Cyndy Jankowski, Clerk, Charter Township of Northville Township (appointed 2023), Township Board of Trustees (2021-2023), Northville Public Schools Board Member (2012-2020)

As a proud Northville Mustang, I know how incredibly important it is to keep top leaders in Northville who are student-centered and education minded. I unequivocally support Lisa McIntyre for a second term on Northville School Board. Since taking office in 2021, she has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in education, responsiveness to student needs, and fostering a safe and supportive learning environment for all.

Kelly Breen, State Representative, Michigan's 21st District

I have had the honor of serving side-by-side with Lisa McIntyre on the Northville Public Schools Board of Education for four years. From the beginning, she has proven herself to be a resolute and passionate public servant for our kids, educators, and entire community, and she has been a trusted and dependable colleague to myself and the entire board.

There is no one I would rather be in the trenches with…I give my full endorsement to my board colleague, Lisa, and I hope you will vote for her in November.

Lindsey Wilson, Northville Public Schools Board Member (2021-2024), President 2023-2024, Vice President 2022

Heads up, we are poised to have the LEAST experienced Board of Education in a generation after this year’s election, and that’s no matter who is elected. Only one candidate running has any Board experience, Lisa McIntyre. It is pivotal that she be returned to her Board seat, to ensure quality in our schools. Lisa understands what needs doing on day one, and has pushed important change in her first term. Please include her on your ballot.

Sarah Prescott, Northville Public Schools Board Member (2015-2024), President 2021-2022, Vice President 2020 & 2023
As a teacher turned legislator, understand the importance of having school board members who put the health and safety of our students and school staff first. I am proud to endorse Lisa Mcintyre because she will put safety first, and will work hard to keep Northville Public Schools the destination they are while supporting the learning conditions of students and the working conditions of the staff.
Matt Koleszar, State Representative for Michigan's 22nd District

I wholeheartedly endorse Lisa McIntyre for re-election to the Northville Public Schools Board of Education. As an experienced, thoughtful, and student-focused incumbent, Ms. McIntyre is seeking her second term at a critical time for our district. With two multi-term board members stepping down and four seats up for election in November 2024, her leadership, depth, and stability are essential for navigating what will be the least experienced NPS Board in decades.

Throughout her tenure, Ms. McIntyre has served as trustee, treasurer, and vice president, while also contributing to the Policy subcommittee and leading the Finance subcommittee. She consistently brings her perspective as a parent, mental health professional, trustee, and community member to the complex challenges facing our Board. Importantly, she never loses sight of prioritizing students in every decision. Her insight, professionalism, and calm demeanor allow her to view challenges from multiple perspectives, ensuring that she remains focused and grounded, even amid the most intense discussions.

Ms. McIntyre’s commitment to the children, families, staff, and community of Northville Public Schools is unwavering. As I have stated before, strong and knowledgeable trustees who prioritize students, invest time in thoughtful decision-making, and are unafraid to pose challenging questions significantly enhance the quality of our district and, ultimately, student learning.

I fully support Lisa McIntyre for the Northville Public Schools Board of Education, as she has consistently demonstrated her ability to uphold NPS’s long-standing commitment to excellence and to opening a World of Possibilities for and with every learner.

Mary Kay Gallagher, Retired Superintendent (2011-2022), Northville Public Schools.

Regarding the work toward smart phone policy – Just another reason why Northville needs YOU on the school board for another term. You aren’t afraid to get the dialogue going on subjects that others might shy away from. Thank you for always putting our kids first.

Danielle Pietrandrea, Northville Schools Elementary Teacher

It is with great enthusiasm that I extend my full endorsement of Lisa McIntyre for the Northville School Board. She leads with experience and empathy, and always advocates for what is best for our students, teachers, and families. She is [also] the only candidate with prior school board experience; her insights and knowledge are invaluable assets to our district and make her uniquely qualified for the position.

Brian Turnbull, Mayor, City of Northville

Having served with Lisa on the Board of Education, she demonstrates her commitment to all students in Northville Public Schools and the community at large.  This is what it takes to be an effective board member.  I’m proud to endorse Lisa fro my personal experience of working with her and the important work she has prioritized as a Trustee.

Angela Jaafar, Trustee, Schoolcraft College; Trustee (2018-2022), Northville Public Schools
As our community heads to the polls, it’s crucial to consider the proven leadership and dedication of Lisa McIntyre to our school district. Since taking office in 2021, Lisa McIntyre has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in education, responsiveness to student needs, and fostering a safe and supportive learning environment for all.
Debbie Cannistraro, Academic Resource Teacher, grades 6, 7, 8 at Hillside Middle School

Having observed and experienced Lisa McIntyre’s positive influence within the Northville Public Schools district and community over the last four years…as a former student and mental health advocate, it remains evident she places the well-being and safety of students at the forefront. It is extremely important that we elect a steadfast, experienced, and dedicated candidate, and there is none more qualified than Lisa McIntyre.

Janet Tian, NHS '24

As a former member of NHS Student Congress and member of the Uniquely Qualified Executive Board, I had the privilege of working alongside my peers to support initiates that champion inclusion and mental health awareness. Mrs. McIntyre has always put students first and she understands the pressures many high school students face, particularly in a high achieving district like Northville. She values student voice and has worked hard to make sure all students feel a sense of belonging in the school community. I am confident she will continue to be a great advocate for all students in Northville Public Schools.

Addison Raffle, Alumna, Northville High School

A lot like me, Leslie Knope, Lisa is a bada@@ woman, a dedicated public servant, an outrageously hard worker, and an overall unstoppable force for good in the world.  She makes heroic efforts consistently to make her town a better place and to protect its citizens from infestations of racoons, corrupt corporations, and in Leslie’s own words, “the human equivalent of gas station sushi.” 

*Spoof endorsement borrowed from Seth Quam, UIC

Leslie Knope*, City Council Member, Parks & Rec

Follow My Campaign

Tahoe on a Friday in February! 

Tahoe on a Friday in February!

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Tahoe is the perfect name for this guy!! He loves the snow!!!

Tahoe is the perfect name for this guy!! He loves the snow!!!

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Introducing…Tahoe! 🐾🐶🧸
Just in time for the bitter cold days!!! 💜🦁

Introducing…Tahoe! 🐾🐶🧸
Just in time for the bitter cold days!!! 💜🦁

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Here we go…saying goodbye to 2024 and looking ahead to 2025!!

Here we go…saying goodbye to 2024 and looking ahead to 2025!! ...

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Thank you to the pin makers for keeping me grounded. 💜 I’ll be on the lookout for more God winks.

Thank you to the pin makers for keeping me grounded. 💜 I’ll be on the lookout for more God winks. ...

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Northville - thank you! You made the best choice to lead our school board. You chose love, hope, integrity, and a deep commitment to public schools. 

It’s no small feat to run a campaign, whether it’s your first time or if you’re experienced. 

Jena, Meredith, Ron and myself -- we are three mamas and one papa, and we are also fierce protectors of kids, teachers, and our community. 

There was a lot thrown at us these past months, whether from the community or our own families. But here we are, ready to lead for the next four years. 

Thank you to my friends, supporters and the wider community for sharing your perspective on public schools and on your kids and families. Thank you to my husband and life partner and our children and our family for your sacrifices and support of my service to the greater good. 

We will be stronger together and we look forward to working with you for the best opportunities for our children, and for Northville.

Northville - thank you! You made the best choice to lead our school board. You chose love, hope, integrity, and a deep commitment to public schools.

It’s no small feat to run a campaign, whether it’s your first time or if you’re experienced.

Jena, Meredith, Ron and myself -- we are three mamas and one papa, and we are also fierce protectors of kids, teachers, and our community.

There was a lot thrown at us these past months, whether from the community or our own families. But here we are, ready to lead for the next four years.

Thank you to my friends, supporters and the wider community for sharing your perspective on public schools and on your kids and families. Thank you to my husband and life partner and our children and our family for your sacrifices and support of my service to the greater good.

We will be stronger together and we look forward to working with you for the best opportunities for our children, and for Northville.

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Northville Public Schools are synonymous with excellence and world-class education opportunities. Here are some of my goals as an NPS board member:

✅ Staying Among the Top Schools: Empowering all students to reach their potential and advancing curriculum via technology for all learners to thrive

✅ Maintaining Financial Stability: Remaining laser-focused on providing sustainable classroom resources, competitive pay, and high program standards, while balancing enrollment with expenditures to allow for district flexibility. 

✅ Prioritizing Safety and Wellness: Supporting students and families during an adolescent mental health crisis; addressing the all students’ needs in a high-achieving community; maintaining three school resource officers and expanding relational practices to create safety through accountability within relationships. 

✅ Celebrating Our Students and Strengthening Communication: Honoring achievements by students, educators and families and continuing to meet the community's expectations for transparent communication to navigate challenges and plan for future community needs.

Learn more about my goals here: 

➡ I ask you to vote for me, Lisa McIntyre, for stable leadership, fiscal responsibility, unwavering dedication to our students, and a continuation of Northville Public Schools’ tradition of excellence.

#StrongerTogether #reelectlisamcintyrenorthvilleschoolboard


Northville Public Schools are synonymous with excellence and world-class education opportunities. Here are some of my goals as an NPS board member:

✅ Staying Among the Top Schools: Empowering all students to reach their potential and advancing curriculum via technology for all learners to thrive

✅ Maintaining Financial Stability: Remaining laser-focused on providing sustainable classroom resources, competitive pay, and high program standards, while balancing enrollment with expenditures to allow for district flexibility.

✅ Prioritizing Safety and Wellness: Supporting students and families during an adolescent mental health crisis; addressing the all students’ needs in a high-achieving community; maintaining three school resource officers and expanding relational practices to create safety through accountability within relationships.

✅ Celebrating Our Students and Strengthening Communication: Honoring achievements by students, educators and families and continuing to meet the community`s expectations for transparent communication to navigate challenges and plan for future community needs.

Learn more about my goals here:

➡ I ask you to vote for me, Lisa McIntyre, for stable leadership, fiscal responsibility, unwavering dedication to our students, and a continuation of Northville Public Schools’ tradition of excellence.

#StrongerTogether #reelectlisamcintyrenorthvilleschoolboard

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Favorite Quotes

“A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential. Leadership is not about titles…It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage.”
Brene Brown

“Love life.  Engage in it.  Give it all you’ve got.  Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.”

Maya Angelou
“Only when diverse perspectives are included, respected, and valued can we start to get a full picture of the world.”
Brene Brown